Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunday's Spiritual Thoughts - General Conference

As many people who read this blog know, we had General Conference this weekend. I think I loved this one so much because we watched it over the internet at home. We didn't go to any family's house or to the church and have to try to keep the kids quiet and entertained. The kids napped during the second session each day so that was the easiest one to watch. They had so many good messages and a lot of them gave us something to think about and others answered some questions that we have had lately. I will let you know more about that later because it is not something we want to share at this time (and I love keeping people hanging. It is so fun :P) I can't wait until the Ensign comes out so I can read the messages I missed and study the ones that I listened to even more.

1 comment:

Tilane said...

well thanks a lot! Now I'm curious. I want to know.