Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday's Spiritual Thoughts - Young Children and Healthy Marriages

Well, I missed last week. It was really hard to think of anything spiritual after teaching the Sunbeam class (and potty training Katie who is VERY strong-willed!)...anyway, I finally decided on young children. They are so fun to be around and speak their minds so easily. In some ways you wonder how that can be good (like when they insult you or tell everyone that their mom's farts stink (which happened to someone I know! :P)) but other times it's great. When they have that innate wisdom that just amazes you or just say something totally sweet (like when they notice that you're dressed up and say you look pretty).

The other is Health Marriages. We just finished the last class of the marriage portion of our Marriage and Family relations class. It's nice to be reminded of things that we need to improve and see how much better we are doing in some ways. It's great to hear how certain lessons have helped people in our class and see the healthy marriages people have. I have noticed that, in some cases, a good argument/disagreement is very healthy to a marriage. I have seen too many people that seemed like they had the perfect marriage end up divorced and everyone around them was shocked. I have also seem some of the other extreme as well. I am so happy to be able to say we have a healthy marriage. We don't agree a lot of the time and both of us have have tempers but we have succeeded in working through all our problems and are very happy together!


Mandy said...

I love your Sunday Spiritual Thoughts. I kind of wish I could take the family/marriage relations class but I teach Primary so that probably wouldn't

Anonymous said...

I like your weekly Sunday posts. I am going to try to come back to that class. I feel like an odd ball with Todd not there though :(

Oh and if you want to come running with me, just give me a call. I usually run in the evenings after we have bathed the kids (730-8ish). Just let me know.... I can't go for very long, so don't worry about me out running you, I am just starting.